Wainwright Digital Poster Prize


The Wainwright Digital Poster Prize in Near Eastern Archaeology 

The Wainwright Fund invites secondary school students to submit a poster on a topic of your choice in Near Eastern history and archaeology. From Sumerian terracotta figurines to Egyptian poetry, from museum displays to archaeological sites, we want to know what interests you about the Ancient Near East. 

Be rewarded! 

There are two awards to be given in this competition. The winner of the Senior Prize (awarded to a student 16 years and older) will receive £250 of book tokens, and the winner of the Junior Prize (awarded to a student under 16 years old) will receive £100 of book tokens. 

What makes a good poster? 

Posters are often used in academic conferences to share information in a concise and interesting way. You may want to: 

     - include an interesting title 

     - keep the word count short, between 250-500 words

     - use photos, drawings, maps, or other images to catch the eye 

     - use bullet points, numbers, and subheadings to structure your poster so it's easy to read

     - be creative, but clear

Here are some examples of academic posters that might inspire you: 

'It is really excellent, tried and tested a million times' - Tanya Blake

'Painted by fire: experimental archaeology and Predynastic black-topped pottery' - Meredith Stewart

How to enter: 

Please complete the Digital Poster Application Form and email it, as well as your poster, to the Secretary of the Wainwright Fund on wainwright.fund@ames.ox.ac.uk

If your poster is a very large file, you might prefer to send it as a link using a site like WeTransfer or Dropbox. Or if your poster is already uploaded to a website, like your school's website, you can send a direct link to that site.

There are two rounds for the competition, with a Senior and Junior prize in each round. You can submit your poster to either round. 

For the first round, please send us your poster by the 1st of October

For the 2nd round, please send us your poster by the 1st of April.

Good luck, and we look forward to seeing your posters!