About the Fund


About the Gerald Averay Wainwright Fund

'Congregation at Oxford will be asked on Tuesday next to accept a gift of £4,000 from an anonymous benefactor who wishes to encourage the study by schoolboys and by more mature students of non-classical archaeology and general history, as deduced from comparative archaeology, of the countries of the Near East.'

The Times, May 7th 1952

The original gift from the Egyptologist and archaeologist Gerald Averay Wainwright (1879-1964) was generously augmented in the donor's will. The G.A. Wainwright's original annual "schoolboys" Essay Prize is now the Wainwright Digital Poster Prize. There is a Senior Award worth £250 (for over 16-year-olds) and a Junior Award worth £100 (for under 16-year-olds). Both of these prizes are open to both sexes. The Fund also awards research grants, sponsors a Postdoctoral Research Fellowship and, when possible, 6-month Early Career Fellowships.

The Board of Management for the Fund meets twice yearly in May and November. The Board decides upon the recipients of research grants, fellowships and the Digital Poster Prize. The Secretary will contact each applicant shortly after the meeting.

The Board of Management currently consists of the following:

  • Dr Elizabeth Frood - Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies (Chair)

  • Dr Ashley Coutu - Pitt Rivers Museum

  • Professor Douglas Baird - Liverpool University

  • Dr Paul Collins - British Museum

  • Dr Yağmur Heffron - University College London

  • Dr Wendy Matthews - Reading University

  • Professor Liam McNamara - Ashmolean Museum

  • Professor Zeynep Yürekli-Görkay - Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies